I Tried It: Dry January. Here’s What Happened.

What I Learned from My Dry January Experiment

When my good friend suggested I do “Dry January” with her, I thought it was the dumbest idea ever. Why would I do that to myself? Why would ANYONE do that to themselves? Deny myself wine? Wine, that I love so deeply and completely? How would I ever survive?

How would I get through the dreaded after-school hours without my “homework wine?” My girls are complete spazzes when it comes to homework. How would I do it?

And no wine with lunch? My all-time favorite thing in the world is taking myself out to a nice lunch and enjoying a cool, crisp glass of Sauv Blanc (preferably with some salmon nigiri.)

Drinking wine at lunch.

And what about my poor husband? We love opening a nice bottle of red wine and hanging out after the girls are in bed. I wasn’t going to make him suffer along with me, was I?

Drinking wine with Ian in Catalina.
Drinking wine with a friend.
Wine tasting on my 40th birthday.

And what about nights out with friends? So what… I’m the boring sober driver? What about the dance parties? (I prefer to do the Roger Rabbit with a few drinks in me, thank you very much.)

So yeah, when my friend suggested I try Dry January, I’m pretty sure I said, “SUCK IT. See you in a month.”

So yeah, it’s true. I’m a bit of a wino.

Drinking wine on vacation.

I drink wine pretty much every single day. I drink it when I’m stressed out. I drink it to celebrate. And much of the time, I’m either stressed out or celebrating.

I think one of my problems is that I don’t really have an “OFF” button. If I’m in, I’m all in. One glass can easily become one bottle.

I rarely get a hangover, so I’m not forced to cut back for lack of functionality. I exercise almost every day, so if I’m feeling a little…ahem…not-so-spry…I know that a morning run will sweat it out of me. I juice every day and I eat super clean and I do yoga. So how bad can it be? I’m not that much of a jackass, am I?

And then…then there’s New Years Eve. I’m pretty sure I drank enough Veuve that night to kill a small pony.

Drinking Veuve on New Years Eve.

And it was exactly that moment…on New Year’s Day, 2019, when I was sporting a WEE bit of a hangover, that my friend sent me that text, and I pondered the merits of Dry January.

At that moment, I took this picture. (And yes, I did run that morning.)


Not looking so good.

Maybe there is something to this Dry January. What if I did it? How would I feel? COULD I do it? Of course I could do it. I did it for 9 months for both of my pregnancies, right? The bigger questions is, SHOULD I do it?

What if I did it as some sort of social experiment? I could prove everyone wrong. I seriously doubted I would feel any different. I certainly wouldn’t lose any weight. The only thing that would happen is I wouldn’t be able to manage my stress, and I certainly wouldn’t have as much fun. Everyone would hate me. The Earth would turn on its axis.

Yeah, I was going to do it! I’d expose the silly truth behind “Dry January.”

So I made the announcement on social media. To my surprise, most people didn’t seem to take me very seriously. It was like they thought I couldn’t pull it off!

That just bolstered my resolve.

And guess what? I did it. Except for a “hair of the dog” I had on New Years Day (a margarita at the Mexican Village) before the before-mentioned pivotal text, I didn’t have a single drop of alcohol for 31 days.

Hair of the dog.

Here’s what happened. Here’s what I learned. And yes, it was profound.

1.The “detox period” is real.

They say when alcohol leaves your body, you officially start the detox process. I have to say, I was miserable for the first 10-12 days. I’m talking MISERABLE. My anxiety was off the charts. I couldn’t sleep at night. There was so much floating around in my head, I couldn’t get a handle on it. People kept texting me, asking how it was going, and this is what I told them via text.

“This is horrible. My kids and my husband are making me crazy. I’m going all month because I said I would. I will NEVER do this again! I’m not even sleeping better. THIS SUCKS.”

Then, there was the fact I hadn’t lost a single pound. Wasn’t I supposed to be losing weight? “I already eat super healthy and work out daily, so I’m guessing that’s why I haven’t lost any weight.”

Then it gets worse. I wrote to my friend, “This is a crock of sh-t. Seriously, I want to write an article about what a crock of sh-t this is.”

Withdrawal anxiety, anyone?

2.I grew to love Arnold Palmers, tea and golden milk.  

If I wasn’t going to drink wine in the afternoons or evenings, I needed to drink SOMETHING. And water was so boring. The Arnold Palmer seemed to work ok for my lunches. (I actually liked it.) But I needed something for nighttime. I tried the “flavored soda water in a champagne glass” idea, but it seemed like a bunch of baloney to me. Soda water isn’t champagne. And it’s a pretty lame substitute!

So, I turned to tea. I got Calming Tea. I got Sleepytime Tea. I made my own detox tea with ginger, turmeric, cloves, lemon, honey and cayenne pepper. I made Golden Milk.

Delicious golden milk!

Then, a few days in, I found myself actually looking forward to my tea, looking forward to my golden milk. Something about the hot liquid in a coffee cup was strangely comforting. Maybe this is why tea is such a big deal in England?

3. I gathered friends and literature to keep me on track.

Most of my friends were super-supportive. (Probably because they thought I was going to fall off the wagon!) But seriously, a couple girls even drank iced tea with me instead of ordering drinks. (Not that I minded if they did. I really didn’t. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, right?)

I also joined a group of girls who were in a texting circle to offer each other support. That seemed to help.

And there’s this.

A pretty mind-blowing book. I highly recommend reading this if you are thinking about taking a break from booze.

4. I felt hyper alert and aware.

This happened right away. I began to notice everything. EVERYTHING. More shades of green on the trees. The smell of the earth on my morning run. How my daughter’s hair smells in the morning. How my husband is smiling much of the time but his beard hides it.

I noticed how I was feeling at the present moment. I noticed lots of really good things. But I noticed bad things, too. If someone in my family did something unkind or something I didn’t think was appropriate, I addressed the situation right away.

I didn’t let anything slide. I don’t think my kids or my husband liked this very much, but I was completely incapable of letting anything slip. Nothing was getting passed the gates! I found myself processing, dealing, and handling things immediately, head on.

When I showed up at a friends dinner party four days in, she asked me how I felt. “Super alert!” I answered. “Too alert. I’m noticing and feeling everything. It’s weird. It’s almost too much to take in.” It kind of was.

5.My productivity skyrocketed.

A few days in, I noticed I was getting ten times as many things done in a day as before. Even though I was edgy and anxious, I was also hyper-focused and sharper…a more driven, determined version of my previous self.

Which blew me away because I already considered myself super-productive. Now I could be even MORE productive? I could get even MORE done? I had more power and energy and focus than I thought I did? Even while I was feeling uncomfortable and edgy and pretty miserable in the detox stage, I could feel the energy exploding out of me. I could get all of the laundry done, folded and put away in one day instead of in stages. I got more writing done, and more quickly. Where was all this energy coming from?

6. I realized I don’t need wine to help me cope with stress.

This is major: Wine doesn’t actually help me deal with stress. It only hurts me.

I learned this quickly, the very first day my girls went back to school after Christmas break. It was a Monday. I was dreading pickup. How would I manage to get through homework time with NO wine? My girls are always crazy when they do their homework. It takes my 7-year-old everything she’s got to make it through the school day so by homework time…she’s a mess. Many times there are tears. Sometimes there is name-calling and depreciating self-talk.

It’s my basic nightmare. And I was going in sober.

Before we sat down to start homework, I made some Calming Tea. I took a sip and sat down. You know what happened? We did our homework, that’s what. No one cried. No one yelled. It was relatively peaceful. When tricky situations came up, I took a deep breath and we worked through it. WE WORKED THROUGH IT. And I didn’t need wine to help me.

I thought…this is magical. And it didn’t happen just one time. It happened again and again. When something bad or stressful happened, I couldn’t go open a bottle of wine… it just wasn’t an option. So I drank my tea, and worked out the problem.

I realized that all this time, when things got really stressful, my first line of defense was to numb myself from the problem. And it worked. It always did. I always felt better.

But the problem never went away. It kept coming back. Why? Because I never actually SOLVED the problem.

There is a bible verse that says “Go to the seat of your trouble and build yourself a new heart.” I never understood what that meant. Now I understand. You can’t solve a problem unless you are aware of it. Going to the “seat of your trouble” means feeling all those yucky moments. Existing completely in the stress, the unhappiness, the frustration. Because only when you feel it and you are completely aware of it are you able to take steps to change it. You build yourself a new heart. Then you can let it go.

When I’m stressed out, this is when I need to check in…NOT check out. If I’m stressed out, it’s usually because there’s a problem to solve. These are the times I need to have my thinking cap on. I need to be a builder. Numbing myself to the problem just to get through it, only to have it surface the next day wasn’t going to do anything. It was a disservice to myself and my family.

In this particular situation, I had a great idea for my little one…a sticker chart made of boxes in the shape of the letters spelling out LEGO which she’s obsessed with. Every day, she would have chances to earn stickers and fill up the boxes for her chart by not using hurtful words, by doing her reading/math/etc without spazzing out, and by doing her chores. I separated it into three distinct periods…before school, after school and bedtime. I ordered some cute stickers from Amazon for her.

It worked!

And you know what? It worked. She loves this chart and loves the positive reinforcement. IT has made homework time (although its not perfect) MUCH easier. I’m sure it will lose its charm at some point and I will have to come up with something else, but for now, it’s amazing!

Do you think I would have thought of this idea and implemented it if I was drinking wine just to get through homework time? Just to survive it? No way. Not a chance.

7. I became super mindful about what I ate.

Because I was so conscious about what I was putting into my body, I became extremely mindful about what I ate.

I wasn’t on any sort of a diet, but I found myself instinctively wanting to eat more plants. More veggies, specifically. I already ordered a Farmers Market Box from Farm Fresh to You to be delivered to my house every other week, but I decided to rev up my deliveries to weekly. Why not? I would be forced to use all the fruits and veggies and prepare super healthy dinners for us. Most nights we eat vegetarian meals prepared with veggies from the box, other nights I get some chicken for husband to grill to add to the meal, and some nights we eat out. But most nights I found myself cooking at home with the fruit & veggie box.

Even the bull dog loves the Farm Fresh to You box!

I also found I didn’t crave carbs like I always thought I have. I just didn’t want that burrito. It would taste good, but I knew I would feel bloated and yucky after I ate it. And instead of baked sushi rolls I wanted a seaweed salad and nigiri. Weird, right?

Yummy avocado.

The only new craving I found is that I actually DO have a sweet tooth. For the last 20 years I haven’t had a sweet tooth because I drank wine every night, and that was sweet so it was doing the trick. But now that the wine was gone, I really, really wanted something sweet at night! So I let myself eat a small bowl of ice cream. Or some dark chocolate. And it was DELICIOUS!

8.I lost 7 pounds without even trying.

So yeah. It did happen. And yes, I workout almost every single day but I was doing that before. So my workouts haven’t changed. And I don’t even really think it’s the lack of calories from the wine that caused the weight loss.

More than anything, I think that my TASTES and CRAVINGS change when I’m not drinking. I don’t crave pizza and burritos. I want a salad. So that’s what I’ve been eating.

Subtle improvement.

9. My mind grew sharper.

My brain felt like it was on steroids. I felt like I could do anything! And I did! I started another side business. I started a big new project. I planned three vacations. And I realized…I have a beautiful mind! Shouldn’t it be operating in its full capacity ALL of the time?

I felt super quick-witted and funny. I had a comeback for everything. (Hey, don’t you know? I’m funny, people!) I had fun going to dinner parties where everyone was drinking because I got to crack jokes and make everyone laugh. I learned to play poker (sort of.) I was less forgetful.

10. I felt more confident.

I didn’t have any need to second-guess myself because I was always completely in control, in the present moment.

I never worried…did I say something inappropriate? Did I misunderstand this situation? Was I oversensitive? Was my comment rude? Because I was 100% there, 100% of the time, I didn’t have to worry. If I thought something was effed up…well, that’s because it was. My bullshit radar was accurate and on task. I felt invincible. And I had complete trust in myself.

I felt so strong, armed with the knowledge that I didn’t need wine to help me navigate stressful situations. I already had everything I need inside of me.

11. I realized didn’t need wine to celebrate and socialize.

 I went out for five or six dinners during the month of January when I wasn’t drinking. I also stayed at a family member’s house for the weekend where everyone was drinking all night for a birthday party. How did this play out?

Well, after initially feeling weird…I had a great time. I had amazing conversations because I was fully engaged. I laughed super hard because I was totally present. And I learned how to play poker because I wasn’t drunk. And when I started to get bored (and this did happen, a few times) it was because I was at the same dinner with the same people for more than four hours and it was time to go home. (The only people who were truly having fun at that point were drinking a lot.)

And I realized, I had an edge when I was the only sober person in the room. I noticed everything, I remembered everything, I could handle everything. I could notice the blurred edges of people around me who were obviously over-served. But they seemed blissfully unaware. I could hear it in the soft slurs of their voices and see it in their soft, but kind eyes. Was this me? Was this how I looked? And I wasn’t judging them. I was one of them, after all. I was just noticing.

12. I started to sleep better.

Yes, it took me two weeks but I finally started to sleep better. Sleep has always been tricky for me, so this is major. I usually woke up around 2 or 3 in the morning (was this my blood sugar level plummeting? I don’t know.) And I usually don’t sleep at all unless I take some natural sleep aid or a Z-quil for extra stressful days. I would wake up fully refreshed and excited for the day. I’m already a morning person, but now I was a morning person on crack!

13. I started to look better. Do you ever catch of a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and think to yourself, “Hey! I’m looking good!” (Yeah, me neither.) But this started happening a few weeks in. Not only was I less bloated (Probably from not eating the alcohol-fueled carbs) but my skin looked clearer. My eyes looked brighter. I felt like I looked…shinier, if this makes sense.

Feeling rested and brighter.

14. I saved a lot of money.

I decided to do some math. If I was drinking (on average) two or three glasses of wine a day, and more on weekends, averaging out to about 7 bottles of wine a week…and I was spending like $10 on a bottle of wine (Joel Goett Sauv Blanc from Boneys treats me just fine, thank you very much) then that’s $70 a week.

Now let’s talk lunches. I found that I didn’t dine out as much for lunch anymore because it just wasn’t as much fun without a glass of wine. And lunch out with wine is usually around $25-$40. And I was going out for lunch two or three times a week. So let’s round up and make that another $120. So already I’m saving almost $200 a week. So we are talking a savings of like $800 a month.

That’s significant! I could DO something with that money. I could go shopping with that money. That’s, like, two GG belts, people! Or…the money could pay for private school or riding lessons for my seven year old, or dance or gymnastics classes for my ten year old, or could go towards a mortgage.

So yeah…the money savings is no joke!

15. I learned what I actually like about drinking wine.

I really don’t need wine to celebrate. I certainly don’t want it for stress. And I’ve obviously realized some incredible benefits of taking a break from booze.

So what does this mean? Am I destined for a life of enlightened sobriety? Not so fast!

I’ve discovered that what I really, really like about drinking wine is that when I open a bottle, I feel like I’m off the clock. Like I’m no longer in charge. It’s a cue that most of the hard work of the day is done, and it’s time to take it easy. (Although as a parent, though, are you ever really off the clock? So I’m aware this is just an illusion!)

Momin’ it up.

As moms, we’re always executing. Always thinking, always planning, and always moving forward. It’s exhausting! I think, for me, the allure is, I have a glass of wine, and I’m giving up some of that control. And that’s liberating.

So what does this all add up to?

I can’t believe what I’ve learned in this process. And..SHOCKER…I’ve learned that I’m not a 100% sober-kind-of-gal. I don’t think sober living is for me, and I don’t think that its sustainable for me in this society. (And that’s an entire other blog post.) What I DO like, is the idea of drinking wine as a special treat, something relaxing to do and savor.

And enjoying wine should be special. I don’t need to drink glasses of wine every night just because. I certainly don’t need to drink as much as I was drinking before. Why would I, when I saw so many positive changes when I stopped?

So I decided that come February, I would allow myself to drink Friday-Sunday. I wouldn’t drink wine during the week—no exceptions– unless I was on vacation somewhere. That seemed pretty easy to stick to!

And I wanted to take steps to drink better wine. I wanted to find some organic wine without a bunch of yucky additives or pesticides, so I had some research to do.

You may be wondering…February is almost done. How’s my plan working out? Did I stick to it?

Yes! So far, so good! I didn’t spiral down into madness with my first glass of wine, although my tolerance is shot and I did fall asleep at 7pm on a Sunday after having two “yacht club wine pours” at CYC. And I even found some organic wine I like!

And strangely enough, on Mondays, I’m happy it’s a Monday and I’m back to my tea and golden milk.

Weird, right?

Do I encourage you to do your own version of Dry January? Absolutely. It was a major eye-opener for me, a total game-changer. I’m so glad I did it, and I am equally excited for the days to come. Thanks for reading, and I would love to hear any of your comments or experiences with Dry January!

And yes…if you ever catch me drinking wine Monday-Thursday, feel free to call me on it! (But I am pretty sure you won’t. )

Cheers to the weekend!



I Tried It: A Spray Tan from Coronado Glow!

I think I sort of forgot about spray tans.

For me, the very words “spray tan” conjure up images from the late nineties and early 2000s… a bright, Technicolor orange face and body; sticky, brown-stained towels and sheets; an opened suitcase packed with bikinis and bandage dresses destined for Vegas. Don’t forget the darker orange “drip marks” down the back of your legs,  the tell-tale muddy-looking hands and feet, and that ever-lingering, sickeningly sweet (likely toxic?) smell.

Sure, it was better than being pale, but did we really think we looked good? Apparently, because I remember spending lots of cash standing in those one-size-fits-all tanning booths, timing my turn for the most even tan possible (God forbid you forgot to turn around!) Good times, good times.

So yeah… I haven’t gotten a spray tan in years.

Enter, Elizabeth Collado from Coronado Glow. She’s much more than a local small business owner and tan expert. She’s really a cross between a mixologist, color specialist and a scientist. She’ll tell you more than you’ll ever need to know about what goes into making a good tan, and after a few minutes, you’re convinced that she takes her work VERY seriously. She’s not going to let you leave her tanning spa with anything but the perfect tan. There’s just no way.

I’ve been following the Coronado Glow marketing and social media feeds for a while now, so I was excited when I finally booked a tan with her.

“For me, the human body is a canvas, and what I am doing is a work of art,” says Elizabeth. “So I really feel like I’m an artist when it comes to spray tanning the body.”

When you enter her studio, it strikes you as a calming, stylish sanctuary. How could anyone leave this posh little spot looking anything less than beautiful? Well…they don’t!

“I’m a very meticulous, picky person, so whatever service I give a client is what I would want done for me,” says Elizabeth. “When you come to me, it’s a spa-like service…you don’t hop in and out of a box. This is your skin we’re talking about, and you want to know the person who is spraying you is just as concerned for your skin as they are for their own.”

So let’s get to it. Is there any prep work that goes into getting a perfect spray tan?

“The tan begins before you walk in my door, so I make sure you have all the info you need for the best possible outcome,” says Elizabeth. “I always say, if you start right, you end right. If you prep right, you glow right.”

This means don’t exfoliate the morning of your tan and no lotions or perfumes whatsoever. Basically nothing on your body, including makeup.  Wear dark, loose fitting clothes…preferably long-sleeved shirt and pants, and flip flops. (Don’t worry, Elizabeth will send you a text with the prep “Cliff Notes” the day before your tan, and all of the info is on her website at CoronadoGlow.com.)

I threw on a black bikini, some navy blue sweatpants and a dark colored shirt, flip flops, and I was good to go!

Here’s me before, sucking it in hard, and feeling a wee bit…pasty. A little Elmer’s-like, actually.

When you show up at her salon, Elizabeth doesn’t start spraying you right away. First she helps you determine the kind of tan you are going for, and what shade will work best for your skin tone. The first thing she did was look at my veins on the underside of my arm.

“This really helps me determine what undertone I’m working with, what color I’m going to spray you with, and how long I’m going to leave it on for,” says Elizabeth. “I also ask…do you burn easily? What kind of event do you have coming up? What color is your dress? All of these things are really important when it comes to a spray tan.”

And my veins…green. My veins are green. Isn’t that lovely?

“That means your undertone is yellow, so we are going to go with a deep violet color with red in it, that will give you a nice, Mediterranean tan,” explained Elizabeth. “If you had purple veins, that would mean you have more of a red undertone and we’d do a completely different color.”

So obviously, this is a very different experience than visiting an automated spray tan booth.

“I’m not knocking a spray booth, some people like it, some people prefer it,” says Elizabeth. “But I’ve never had the same results all of the time… I’ve definitely had some unevenness.”

Elizabeth says that when she sprays you, she can personally control the amount and volume of the spray that’s going on the body, and she can see exactly where it’s being sprayed. She can also adjust the volume of the spray to make up for unevenness in your skin tone.

“For example, maybe your legs need more color than your upper half. A machine is not going to know this, but I am, and I will be able to blend or add more product,” says Elizabeth. “Or maybe your skin is really red and you want to mute that. Or you want more definition or want to feel more slender in a certain area. It’s not a one-size-fits-all.”

Sounds good to me! And here I am prepped and ready for my tan, inside the fantastic tent. This is where the magic happens! (And yes, the magic happens when you’re wearing a shower cap.)

In case you were wondering, yes… you can go topless or totally nude. I’m a major prude so I opted for the bikini, then ended up going topless at the last minute.

The first thing Elizabeth did was apply a moisturizing prep spray all over, and a barrier cream to my hands and feet.

What’s a barrier cream, you ask? It’s exactly what it sounds like…a barrier to keep the tan from over-saturating the skin on different parts of the body. She applied the cream to my hands, the bottom of my feet, the sides of my feet, and even my gel nails to protect them from the color.

Next, it was time for the spray. The spray didn’t feel yucky or overwhelming, and hardly had any smell at all.  It really just feels like a little bit of cool air hitting my skin.

So what exactly is in that spray solution? Elizabeth is serious about her products.

“I have my own solutions of the highest-quality ingredients,” says Elizabeth. “I use a blend of natural and organic ingredients that contain no parabens, mineral oils, artificial fragrance, glycols, sulphates, petrochemicals DEA or TEA. I use eco-certified DHA, which is the ingredient that makes your skin change color.”

But the most important thing, according to Elizabeth, is how “fresh” the solutions are that are being used in the spray tan.

“At least for me, I know my product is guaranteed fresh, which makes a big difference when it comes to the outcome of a spray,” says Elizabeth, who stores her solutions in a wine cooler. “If you go somewhere where your product has been sitting for a certain amount of time, in a room that’s not kept at temp, then it goes into this machine, that product has already begun to breakdown and almost expire.”

“It comes down to quality control,” says Elizabeth. “How long a product has been sitting for, and what is the turnover for that product being used? I’m in this industry and this is all I do. The products I use get turned over quickly, so it’s always going to be fresh, nothing is going to be sitting for too long.”

And what about that dreaded orange, fake-tan color? I wasn’t going to walk out of here looking like an Oompa Loompa, was I?

”The good thing about this solution, is you’re not going to look completely different, you will look enhanced,” says Elizabeth. “You’re not going to look all orange and brassy when you walk out.”


Next, Elizabeth brushed my skin with a natural mineral-based powder and essential oils to help blend the tan.

And that was it! I got dressed in my dark, loose-fitting clothes, and met some friends at Leroy’s for some tomato soup. I didn’t look freaky at all. and was totally cool being out in public post-tan.

Elizabeth instructed me to take a shower in four hours and wash the solution off, as she used a “quick rinse” solution. This sounded great to me, because I always felt a little weird sleeping in a tanning spray.

Here I am, feeling awesome in my dark clothes.

And here’s the before and after.I felt amazing! The tan was a beautiful Mediterranean color just as she promised, and made me feel really…pretty! I had a business dinner that night with my husband and felt super confident, and got lots of compliments thanks to my subtle, post-tan glow.

And I’m not the only one. Two of my besties got tans the same day, and they also loved their results!

Am I coming back? Heck yes! I’ve already booked a tan for myself (and my husband!) before our trip to Miami in two weeks.

Now excuse me while I head to Boneys and run some errands, WITHOUT ANY MAKEUP ON (which I never do.) Why? I’m feeling so badass and bronzed, I don’t even need makeup!

Which made me remember…this is what I used to LOVE about getting a tan! You instantly feel prettier, leaner, happier, and more confident. And that feeling is PRICELESS.

Want to get your happy glow on? Couldn’t be easier. Book online here.  For first-time clients it’s only $30! And please share how you feel about your results. I’m sure you’ll be as happy as I am.

The Friday Five: Jewel Tones

I spy with my little eye…so many delightful jewel tones around town! From the sparkly to the shimmery to the downright bold, all of these finds can be purchased WITHOUT leaving the island. Check it out!

1.  Cross the border.  This over-the-top statement piece is handmade here in town by Dolores Forsythe. Each of the decadent designs is original and a little different from the next, so no two pieces are exactly alike. This “South-of-the-Border” design features more crosses than you can shake a sombrero at, all unique and lovely in their own way. Prices vary. D Forsythe, 1136 Loma Ave, 619-435-9211, www.dforsythe.com

2. Jade Rolling Kit. Anything that makes you look younger and more beautiful without needles or surgery is a win for me! I’ve been wanting one of these jade rollers forever and have been researching the best choice on Amazon, and this one gets top reviews! My friends who work in the beauty industry love these things and claim they help reduce wrinkles, relieve dark circles, tighten the face and stimulate the facial lymphatic drainage system. I’m in! Amazon Prime this jade roller here.

3. Shimmery Metallic Clutch. I’m a sucker for handbags and especially clutches with any type of sheen! This lovely clutch from Dollie Style and Accessories is sure to add a little ooh-la-la to any outfit.  824 Orange Ave, 619-249-8286 inside the Nail Studio.

4. Turkish Lamp. I die for these Turkish lamps and the only reason I don’t have one yet is they are all so beautiful I can’t decide which one to buy! See for yourself at Fair Trade Decor. At $75 I think they are a steal…they’re sure to give any room a mini-makeover and fill your world with light and color. The best part? When you purchase something at Fair Trade Decor,  not only are you getting an original, handmade piece from a developing third world country, but you know that all artists are being paid fair wages for their work. Fair Trade Decor, 828 Orange Ave, 619-675-0072.

5. Iconic Eyeshadow Palette.   By now most people know I work for Beautycounter and yes, I’m drinking the Kool-aid because I’m obsessed with their makeup, especially their eyeshadow palettes! This one gets all the feels with the sparkly, fresh colors and transitions well from day to night. And, when you buy this eyeshadow palette or any product from Beautycounter, you’re supporting a B-corporation that spends just as much money on education and reform within the beauty industry as they do on marketing their own products. The goal? To get safer products in the hands of everyone. Shop here.
Thanks for reading, and happy Friday!

I Tried It: A Detox Footbath and Colonic from Coronado Cleanse!

Holiday calories and carousing got you feeling not-so-little around your middle? Are you feeling confused and full of cheese? Did you eat your weight in pie? Are you embarrassed to take out your recycling because it’s spilling over with empty wine bottles?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I’ve got you, sister! (And you too, brother…this is for guys, too!) What you need is a gentle refresh. An easy, calming, painless way to renew and recharge from the inside out. What you need, my friend, is a visit to Coronado Cleanse (operating under Coronado Colon Hydrotherapy), our island’s own boutique cleansing spa!

What? We have our own cleansing spa in Coronado? Yes we do! It’s located at 1309 Ynez Place, across from the Post Office. See? Isn’t it cute?

It’s run by this lady, Danni Springer, who has helped hundreds of clients leave her spa more vibrant, fresher and pounds lighter!

So what exactly is a cleansing spa? I’m glad you asked. Danni describes her services as a soft nudge in the right direction to start making healthier life choices. In her cozy, private little oasis (it looks and feels a lot like a quaint space for yoga or meditation…very calming, clean and inviting) she offers detox footbaths, colonics, and other individual treatments catered to each person’s needs.

The footbaths include aromatherapy, massage with essential oils, a hot tea or fresh juice shot, and a detox assessment. Colonics come with abdominal massage, aromatherapy, acupressure points and sound bowl therapy, as well as an assessment on digestive issues, electrolytes and a probiotic for post-treatment. All treatments are designed to detox and cleanse your body in a peaceful, serene setting.

But make no mistake–although it’s gentle, visiting a cleansing spa can be a total game changer for your body, mind and soul. (It was for me!)

Danni suggested I try a detox footbath and a colonic (gulp) to purge toxins from my system. Was I down?

I’m not going to lie. I hesitated for about ten seconds on the colonic…after all, I am a colonic virgin. But my adventurous side got the best of me, and I agreed!

First things first. The detox foot bath. (Don’t worry, I will describe the colonic in detail!)

“If you’re thinking of taking a healthy turn and changing your lifestyle, this is a good place to start,” said Danni. “I know that when people do these footbaths, over time they start to feel better, they sleep better, and they feel like something shifted for them.”

Better sleep? Sold!

I don’t know about you, but after two kids, sleep is the Holy Grail of my existence. I never get enough. Even when my entire family slumbers peacefully, I’ll wake up with a racing mind and a to-do list I’ve written in my dreams that is ten pages long!

Back to the footbath. Danni explained to me that the footbath uses ionized water to pull toxins from my feet.

“The whole ionic foot cleanse is designed based on the electrical charges from our body,” said Danni. “So when you change the structure of the water, it actually creates a magnet effect…the water becomes magnetized and it pulls these electrical particles out of your body. This includes toxins like heavy metals that can really start to affect your health.”

Crazy! Danni ushered me to a small, cozy space in her spa and began to fill up the footbath with warm water. But first, she had me put my feet on this vibrating foot massage machine and she massaged essential oils into my feet. She explained that the vibration gets the blood circulating and really helps to get things moving.

Next, I rolled up my jeans and put my feet in the footbath. The water was nice and warm. (In case you are wondering, I couldn’t feel the ions or electricity or anything.)

“The footbath is totally painless, and it’s very relaxing,” said Danni. “But you are going to see the water in your footbath change into some weird colors.”

I was? Right now it was clear. Danni said she would leave me alone for about 20 minutes or so while the footbath did its thing. I decided to read the helpful brochure on the footbath.

“Every day living in today’s polluted and stressful environment with chemicals in the forms of pesticides, additives and preservatives found in our food, water, and beauty products can burden our body,” the brochure reads. “The body’s excretion pathways…become overwhelmed after long exposure.”

When I looked down again, the water was a little yellow. Hmm. Must be the said-toxins leaving my body.

According to the brochure, these toxins can cause headaches, insomnia, skin problems, acne, wrinkles, depression, anxiety, nausea, weight gain, lowered immunity, and lots more.

“The foot bath sessions will help you feel lighter in your body, have more energy and maintain a greater sense of well being,” the brochure continued.

Now the water was turning brown. Ew!

Then it turned REALLY brown, and it started to bubble up.

It looked like the Bog of Eternal Stench from Labyrinth!

You remind me of a babe.

Was it all the wine I drank? Oh no! I need to stop drinking so much wine. Wait…it couldn’t be…oh no…dear God…WAS IT THE BACON?

I had a deep moment of self-reflection. You see, I come from a place of “yes.” Yes, I will work out every single day, and will go to yoga and Pilates and bar class and run and dance, yes I will meditate, yes I juice every morning and take vitamins. And…also…yes I will drink bottles of wine with you. Yes I will eat some BBQ and a fried sushi roll and pounds of cheese and giant burritos with hot sauce. Maybe….just maybe I needed to clean up my act a bit and start eating cleaner? (And possibly reducing wine intake?)

Danni came in a few minutes later to check on my progress.

“Oh,” she said, and smiled sweetly as she gazed down at the gurgling bath of stench. “It looks like its definitely working and pulling the toxins out of your body.”

I panicked. “I eat a lot of bacon,” I blurted out. “And wine. I love wine. I drink wine every day!”

Danni was unfazed. “Well, looking at the color, it looks like your liver might be a little over-burdened.”

She explained that the color of the water often determines what kind of toxins are being pulled from your body. If the water is dark green, you’re detoxifying from your gallbladder. If it’s orange its your joints. If you have white foam, you are detoxing from your lymphatic system. Yellow green means kidneys, bladder. Some people have actually have black flecks in the water, which can mean heavy metals. Brown means detoxing from liver (duh) and also tobacco. (I don’t smoke so I’m thinking that’s all liver.)

Fascinating! Danni dried off my feet and ended with another foot massage, and gave me a ginger juice shot (delicious) and it was time for me to be on my way.

I practically skipped to my car. I felt great!

I had originally planned to grab a chai tea latte from Café Madrid, run some errands, then treat myself to a sushi roll and a glass of wine.

But wait…I just detoxed a bunch of junk out of my body. Why would I re-toxify it with caffeine, sugar, wine and sushi rice?

And besides. I felt really good! I felt lighter and cleaner and happier. I didn’t even want my coffee or my wine. I opted instead to skip the coffee, and at lunch I ordered a seaweed salad, miso soup and cucumber water. I felt fabulous!

After school pickup that day, both of my kids (miraculously) behaved and did their homework without a fuss. I didn’t even need to pour myself a glass of homework wine. In fact, my entire household flowed in perfect harmony. I even slept great. Random, right?

Next…it was time for my colonic. I’m not going to lie. I was a little nervous. But Danni spent a lot of time at my previous appointment telling me what to expect.

So what exactly is a colonic?

According to Danni (who is an I-ACT certified colon hydrotherapist, by the way)a colonic is a gentle yet effective way to hydrate your body, remove excess toxins, and rejuvenate your system. It basically rids the colon of waste and toxins by releasing layers of colon build-up.

Anatomy of the colon.

“No one ever regrets getting a colonic” says Danni. “Most people find it really relaxing, and the way I do it is very gentle. The goal afterwards is, ‘wow, I got all of that stuff out of me,’ and that’s pretty cool.”

So what exactly is all that “yuck” that will come out of my colon?

“It’s mostly waste,” said Danni. “But also mucus. Our body starts to create mucus as a defense. When we start to eat or drink things that become toxic in our systems, our body starts protecting itself by creating a mucus. This can be reflected in mucus coming out of your skin, having bad skin problems, and some people even develop parasites.”

Ew! Danni explained that lots of dairy and sugar and animal products can lead to this build up of mucus.

“Overall, it can create problems where your brain gets foggy and you just can’t sleep, and your body isn’t functioning properly.”

If that’s not reason enough to get a colonic, check this out…

According to Danni, “What feels great is afterwards. Some people lose up to six pounds in one session. That’s a lot of stuff that’s been in there for years. A lot of plaque and mucus and stuff that is stuck to the walls.”

So getting a colonic was starting to sound like a really good idea!

But wait. Technically speaking, a colonic is described as a therapy that involves a slow infusion of triple-filtered water into the rectum.

We’re talking back-door entry, people! I was feeling a little panicky about this, because this is traditionally an “exit only” situation for me. Would it hurt?

“The tube is very small,” explained Danni, “and although the insertion process isn’t a walk in the park, most people don’t find it to be painful.”

Okay. I think was ready. Any last words of advice?

“Try to eat plant based foods for a few days before you come in, and show up with an open mind and a sense of adventure.”

Plant-based foods. Open mind. Sense of adventure. Yes, I could do this! I was ready!

On the day of my appointment, Danni showed me to the private little bathroom and asked me to disrobe from the waste down and put on a little bathrobe. (I also made sure to weigh myself before I went into the room.)

The table was heated and cozy, some mellow spa music was playing and a chill nature video was showing on a flat screen. I laid down on the table and she had me turn to the side to insert the tube. There was no turning back now! It was happening!

Did the insertion process hurt? I can’t say I liked it, but it wasn’t painful or terrible. And once it was in, it was in.

“The colonic is very gentle,” said Danni. “The minute you start to feel anything uncomfortable, we adjust things like water temperature. Or the flow, or the pressure, it can all be catered to your comfort level.”

I felt a little warmth and water going up my colon, and it felt different but not crazy. She explained to me that she uses a “closed system” so you are not going to smell anything funky. But you will see the waste going through the tube through the machine on the wall. I wasn’t planning on looking at this, but I did.

“The worst thing you might feel is a little cramping, like you have to go,” explained Danni. She would do a “fill” where the water would flush up into my body, then a “release” where the water and yuck would go back down through the tube.

I didn’t feel any pain, but a couple of times I felt cramping, which cued Danni to trigger the “release.”

“Do you see any worms or parasites?” I asked. That would be terrible. She didn’t, but she says she has before, with other clients, several times.

What would also be terrible is, what if the tube became dislodged and it sprayed out all over the room! Could this happen?

“No,” said Danni. “I’ve done like 2,000 of these colonics, and not once has anything ever gone wrong.”

The entire process took about 30 or 40 minutes, and then I was done and off the table.

“Most people need two treatments,” she said. “But sometimes people get everything out in one session and they are good to go.”

I went into the bathroom area to get dressed, and went to the bathroom, and yes, a lot more came out! I couldn’t wait to weigh myself.

I hopped on the scale and I was three pounds lighter. Score!

How was I feeling? I felt…good. A little tired. Danni gave me a probiotic to take, and another ginger shot, and advised me to make really healthy eating choices for the next few days. “Lots of plants,” she said.

So no wine and bacon. Okay.

The colonic was a really interesting experience. For the next few days, I FELT everything I was eating. Big time. When I drank a green juice, I felt fantastic. When I ate a salad, super! But when I munched on some cheese or drank a glass of wine, I felt terrible.

It made me realize how much of what I eat really affects my body. I think I had grown so numb to it over the years that I couldn’t really tell. So I really had to make the conscious choice to eat well. For the most part, I did!

Would I recommend visiting Coronado Cleanse and getting these treatments? Absolutely, 1000%! If you are looking to make a healthy life change, this is the perfect place to start. (I signed up for a second colonic, in case you are wondering!)

It was a major eye-opener to see with my own eyes just how many toxins were burdening my body. It was very powerful to witness these toxins leave my system, and it made me want to do a better job of controlling what I expose my body to.

After all, I have almost total control about what I put into my body. No one decides that but me. I can work out every day to stay strong for my family and my little girls, but what am I putting inside?

So have I made any changes? Yes! As of now, I’m committed to cooking from my vegetarian cookbook at least a few nights a week (it’s called Forest Feast and I am OBSESSED people). I’m not going vegan or anything, but I’m trying to be mindful of my cheese intake. I’m not buying any more bacon. I’m drinking more kombucha and detox tea and treating myself to seaweed salad and miso soup instead of a fried sushi roll.

And…this is the big one…I’m not drinking any wine for the month of January! What? (For those of you who know me, this is MAJOR.) And since I put it out there on social media, it has to happen.

So yes, all of these services are amazing and I highly recommend a visit to Coronado Cleanse. But the biggest thing this experience has taught me? Mindfulness and awareness of what I am putting inside my body and how it is affecting my overall wellness. And that’s something that lasts much longer than the treatments. It’s a total game changer!

To learn more about Coronado Cleanse, call 619-806-4445, or visit the website.

(With services starting at $65 and military discounts, there is an affordable option for everyone.)

Happy New Year, and cheers! (With a detox tea, of course.)

I Tried It: I Hired a Home Organizer!

Do you wish your kitchen pantry looked like this?

What do you think of this fridge?

How about this closet?

Do you dream of having an organized, clutter-free home but you just aren’t sure where to start?

Or maybe you’re like me, and you spend hours purging and putting away, only to have things end up right where they started in less than a few weeks. You end up disappointed and deflated, feeling like a domestic disaster!

If you live in Coronado, you’re already probably tight on space. Whether you rent or you own, land is at a premium and its really, really hard to squeeze all the things you need for day-to-day living in small, confined area.

Take our family. We’ve been renting the same townhome by the Ferry Landing for more than seven years, and we’ve had yet to do a major purge. We have too much stuff in too small a space and we are bursting at the seams. I knew I needed to do something, but each project I started ended in chaos and despair.

Then there’s my kitchen. That’s the absolute worst. You open my pantry and plastic baggies and cereal boxes fly out at your head. My mismatched silverware is in an old, yucky organizer littered with chopsticks and packages of soy sauce. The spice cabinet? A disgrace. I must have four different bottles of ginger. I keep buying new ones because I can’t find the ones I already own.

I can never find my nice serving platters and we have sippy cups from when my kids were toddlers. I have eight sets of Tupperware, but ZERO matching lids. How is this even possible?


Then there is the junk drawer. Do you need a leaking AAA battery from 2005? How about some boob tape? Or how about an expired gift certificate for Landrys? (what the heck IS Landrys? Do we have even have one in San Diego?) It’s all there.


What’s a girl to do? I needed a domestic fairy godmother, and I needed it fast!

Enter, Renata de Oliveira from Get Organized (www.getorganizedsd.com).

Renata has worked in the home organization business since 2009, but on the (fabulous) advice of her mother, went out on her own and founded her own company in June. And guess what? She just so happens to be a friend of mine. When I found out about what she was doing, it was an answer to a prayer!

A Coronado local, Renata has helped people organize their homes from Rancho Santa Fe to La Jolla, from Carmel Valley to our enchanted isle. In addition to home organization, she also helps with home staging, pre-move de-cluttering and move in.

“When my mom told me I should start my own company, I thought you know… why not?” said Renata. “I really, really love to organize. I just really enjoy it!”

Was I interested in her services? Heck yes! I hired her on the spot to organize my kitchen.

“Everyone needs help organizing and de-cluttering some part of their life,” she says. “Let’s make things so it’s easier for you to do what you want in your space.”

Sold. But just how does this work?

“The first thing we do is set up a time to talk on the phone or meet in person to talk about what you are looking for,” says Renata. I met her at Villa Nueva over a cup of coffee and we spent about 30 minutes talking about my kitchen.

“You’re going to be horrified,” I told her. “The pantry literally throws up all over you when you open it.”

But Renata didn’t seem scared. She just smiled and seemed perfectly at ease.

“The most important thing is you get what you want,” said Renata. “We cater to each person and their needs. We want to create efficient storage strategies to not only de-clutter the space, but to make you feel at home.”

We chatted a little more, she gave me a quote, and I agreed! She outlined each step for me so I knew exactly what to expect. (And in case you are wondering…her services aren’t nearly as pricey as you may think! And it helps that her business is just starting to grow on the island. Hint, hint: book her fast before she gets too popular! )

First, we scheduled an appointment at my home so she could actually view my kitchen. Then we scheduled two more appointments…a morning appointment for the de-clutter and purge (where I needed to be present), then the next day for an eight-hour full reorganization. (I didn’t need to be around for that one.)

She showed up for our “viewing” appointment in the morning before my husband left for work, so he got to weigh in too.

Ian (who I consider to be super O.C.D., God bless him) really wanted labels on each of the drawers and different sections of the pantry and cabinets.

His fear was that we would get everything perfect and organized, and someone (me) would unload the dishwasher and put things back in the (ahem) wrong place. Yeah, this could happen. I guess.

We talked about what of organization did I want (glass jars for pasta or plastic bins? Would I like some Lazy Susans so I can store my spices more effectively?)

I wasn’t really sure what I wanted, so Renata showed me lots of pictures and examples so I could decide.

She also took a bunch of measurements.

We talked about my budget for extras. I decided I wanted new a silverware organizer, plastic clear bins for my pantry and I was super jazzed about the Lazy Susan option. I didn’t really want any baskets or new jars for my spices…I just wanted them organized in rows so I could actually see what I had in their original containers.

“Some people just want to organize and use what they have, so we just work with what they have,” said Renata. “Other people are OK with getting some organizational tools like plastic bins or baskets or things from the Container Store. Or maybe they want to mix and match. Sometimes people want to keep the budget really low so I come with a plan.”

Renata told me that she would actually go to the Container Store for me and buy all the extra organization stuff I needed, within my budget. Hooray! I wouldn’t have to go to Mission Valley!

Our next appointment, a few days later, was for the de-cluttering and sorting.

“It doesn’t matter what you have, I’m going to take EVERYTHING out,” said Renata. “We will make the space so you can use it better. We will decide together what you want to keep.”

True to her word, Renata took every last thing out of my kitchen drawers and pantry. She displayed everything together on my dining room table and we decided together what I would keep, items I could donate and what went straight to the trash.

I couldn’t believe how much stuff I had. Serving platters I haven’t seen since the birth of my second child (who is seven), broken can openers, no less than 12 muffin tins (I don’t bake muffins) old yucky plastic cups from breweries, two cheese graters, mismatched dishes, several gross cooking trays, and so many more items I didn’t ever want to see again.

It was a little embarrassing.

“I think that we definitely buy way too much,” said Renata. “Sometimes you don’t know that you have something, because you aren’t organized, or you can’t find it, then you go out and buy some more of it, so you end up with things you already have or you don’t even need. And then you fill up the house, and fill up the house.”

Renata is big on using sets, and keeping only one set of each item. “You only need one set of measuring spoons and one set of spatulas. If you have more than one, it’s probably too much.”

Next, Renata boxed everything up. I had three big boxes full of donations and several of straight garbage.

“One of the things I do is arrange the donation guys that come with their trucks and haul everything off, including furniture, so you don’t have to deal with it,” she said. “And I source from the smaller companies so it is less expensive. “

Sure enough, a nice man showed up and hauled away all my unwanted stuff. It was magical! (Otherwise, who knows how many weeks/months I would have driven around with those boxes in the back of the SUV.)

I have to admit, it was a little crazy going through all my kitchen stuff, especially because I realized how much of it I didn’t even want to keep. I just felt gross. But Renata walked me through it.

“I really don’t push people, and I don’t want people to get stressed out,” she said. “I am very patient. I try to make people feel more comfortable.”

And she did. After watching those boxes get hauled out I felt pounds lighter and happier. Renata’s positive attitude and hard-working nature made me feel at ease. We were getting the job done!

The next morning was the big day! The day my kitchen would be TRANSFORMED into something beautiful, clean, and organized!

On transformation day, she brought along her co-worker Nati who is an interior designer. Renata explained that she is great working with space and makes sure everything looks pretty and fits nicely.

First, they cleaned up all the cabinetry and drawers up so everything would get put away on a clean surface. Next, they started putting things back!

I had a million errands to run so I took off. I could hardly wait to see the finished result!

And finally…FINALLY…at the end of the day, I got to see my new kitchen.

It was sparkling. It was beautiful. It was happy. And it was organized!

The first thing I opened…the pantry! Everything was neatly arranged in clear, plastic bins and organized into rows. Everything was labeled. I could see everything. Nothing flew out at my head. No flour tipped over and dumped everywhere. I almost cried.

Next, I looked at my spice cabinet. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful! Spices arranged in rows, Lazy Susans for my oils and larger containers, a dedicated coffee and tea section. It was GLORIOUS!

My junk drawer…not so junky any more! Just fabulous. I could find my scissors and my tape. I could actually wrap some presents!

My silverware drawer! I splurged and bought a new flatware set from Homegoods since my two other sets were not complete. I smiled from ear to ear.

The awesomeness goes on and on.

Here are some fun before and after pics.

I loved my new kitchen so much, I yanked some of my old art off the walls and decorated with some of my favorite prints from other parts of the house including a couple of new purchases from Homegoods (God I love that store.)

What was once a disorganized, messy eyesore is now one of the my favorite rooms in the house! Don’t you just love it? Even my HUSBAND smiled when he opened the spice cabinet. And for Ian, rarely is anything clean enough/organized enough/perfect enough. But he actually SMILED!

The best part? The girls did my BAR too! It used to be a cluster of keys, sunglasses, mail and junk. Now it’s a charming little space for some of my most precious things! (Aka, my bottles of wine, hello!…and my new crystal champagne glasses from Poland, also from Homegoods.)

As happy as all of this made me, I guess it didn’t really sink in until the next morning when I went downstairs to start breakfast. I found the coffee no problem, and selected a mug from the cute ones I found in my cupboard (we trashed the old yucky ones.)

Setting the table was a breeze because my napkins and silverware were perfectly organized. I felt so much calmer more peaceful. I couldn’t wait to cook dinner in my new kitchen!

Was it worth it? Every single penny.

I can’t emphasize enough how much de-cluttering and reorganizing just ONE room in my house has impacted my life. Would I recommend this service? Absolutely! I can’t wait to tackle the other parts of my house.

And when we move into a new house one day, I will DEFINITELY hire Get Organized to help me pack and move into a new space.

Questions? Message Renata at 619-366-7850 to set up a brief meeting and get a quote. Now excuse me while I pour myself a glass of champagne in from my cute little bar and grab a chocolate from the adorable “snacks” section of my pantry. Cheers!